Item 79 out of 448
Lot # 79 - Copper Kasu Coin of Devaraya I of Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagar Empire.
Copper Kasu Coin of Devaraya I of Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagar Empire.
Copper Kasu Coin of Devaraya I of Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagar Empire. Copper Kasu Coin of Devaraya I of Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagar Empire.
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  • P-Auction # 16
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  •  Views:477
Start Price 2500 Estimated Price 2500-3000
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Vijayanagar Empire Sangama Dynasty, Devaraya I, Copper Kasu, Obv: stylized bull facing right, above sun and moon, Rev: kannada legend "sri deva" dagger between conch and discus; below that 'raya', 3.45g, 16.19mm, about extremely fine, Rare. 

Legends, impressions and bull are very bold and clear on this specimen making the quality overall superb!