Item 24 out of 456
Lot # 24 - Very Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Purugupta of Chakra Type.
Very Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Purugupta of Chakra Type.
Very Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Purugupta of Chakra Type. Very Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Gupta Dynasty of Purugupta of Chakra Type.
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  • P-Auction # 17
  •  Bids: 3
  •  Views:1784
Start Price 55000 Estimated Price 55000-65000
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Gupta Dynasty, Chandragupta III (Purugupta ?), Gold Dinar (Less content of Gold), Chakra Type, Obv: king standing left, holding an arrow in his right hand and holding indian long bow at top in left hand, sword at his hip, "Chandra" in brahmi below right arm, garudadhvaja to left and Chakra on the top of garudadvaja, circular brahmi legend, Rev: goddess lakshmi seated facing on a stylized lotus in padmasana, holding lotus blossom and diadem, tamgha to left, brahmi legend at right ’Sri Vikramah’,8.55g, 19.39mm, about very fine, Very Rare.


The recent article of Dr. Pankaj Tandon in Numismatic Digest Vol 38 shows complete comparative study on these coins and very much clears the doubt of Purugupta and Chandragupta III being one and the same person. Now what important clarification he clears is that why Purugupta have used the name Chandra on his coins? One possible justifying reason is that Purugupta wanting to wrap himself in the mantle of his grandfather's glory. Because Chandragupta II also had done the same with his own grandfather name. Given the precedent of one king taking the name of his grandfather, it seems quite possible that Purugupta may have done the same especially if he felt weak in the face of his powerful and heroic half-brother and felt that including his glorious grandfather's name would emphasize his lineage and legitimacy over that of his half-brother and would bring himself more glory.