Item 45 out of 456
Lot # 45 - Copper Jital Coin of Lakhana Dandanayaka of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
Copper Jital Coin of Lakhana Dandanayaka of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
Copper Jital Coin of Lakhana Dandanayaka of Vijayanagara Feudatory. Copper Jital Coin of Lakhana Dandanayaka of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
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  • P-Auction # 17
  •  Bids: 2
  •  Views:1286
Start Price 3000 Estimated Price 3000-3500
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Quick Description
MintNo MintMetalCopper
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Vijayanagara Feudatory, Lakhana Dandanayaka, Copper Jital, Obv: lovely elephant standing to right with simple ornaments with an uplifted tail, kannada letter 'LA' on the field above the elephant is surrounded by circular line, Rev: inverted kannada legend, 3.65g, 15.32mm, about very fine, Rare.