Item 45 out of 629
Lot # 45 - Sebaka Dynasty. brahmi Legend on the above. "rajno Sebakas". Scarce.
Sebaka Dynasty. brahmi Legend on the above.
Sebaka Dynasty. brahmi Legend on the above. Sebaka Dynasty. brahmi Legend on the above.
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  • P-Auction # 2
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:929
Start Price 3500 Estimated Price 4000-5000
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Quick Description
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Sebaka Dynasty (1st Cent. BC). Obv: Bull walking to right side with Six arched hill in front,svastik, Flag, Brahmi Legend on the above. "rajno Sebakas". Rev: Nandipad, (taurine) symbol & Srivatsa Symbol. Scarce.