Item 509 out of 629
Lot # 509 - Proof Set of Inter Parliamentary Union Conference Bombay of 1993.
Proof Set of Inter Parliamentary Union Conference Bombay of 1993.
Proof Set of Inter Parliamentary Union Conference Bombay of 1993. Proof Set of Inter Parliamentary Union Conference Bombay of 1993.
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  • P-Auction # 2
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Start Price 250000 Estimated Price 300000-500000
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Quick Description
DenominationProof SetYear (AD)1993
Full Description:

Proof Set. 1993. 89th Inter Parliamentary Union Conference Bombay. 

Set of 3 Coins. 1, 5 & 10. In original packing along with certificate. Unique
The set was issued for the event of the Inter Parliamentary Union (The union works between parliament & senate of the members of 135 countries & 7 associated members. The conference was held in the month of April 1993 at New Delhi (57th IPU Conference was also Held New Delhi in Oct-Nov 1969). The IPU Assembly (formerly known as the Inter-Parliamentary Conference) is the principal statutory body that expresses the views of the Inter-Parliamentary Union on political issues. It brings together parliamentarians to study international problems and make recommendations for action.