Item 563 out of 629
Lot # 563 - One Rupee Booklet of King George V of 1917
One Rupee Booklet of King George V of 1917
One Rupee Booklet of King George V of 1917 One Rupee Booklet of King George V of 1917
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  • P-Auction # 2
  •  Bids: 3
  •  Views:908
Start Price 1000000 Estimated Price 1200000-1500000
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Quick Description
Year (AH/VS/SE/AM)1917
Full Description:

KGV. 1 Rupee Booklet. 1917. A Packet of 25 consecutive notes. SL No. Y25 457501 - Y25 457525. A Royal Monogram on the front of the booklet which constitutes 1 Rupee notes. Notes being still attached & perforated. Each note is brighter paper, Wonderful colour & ideal watermarks. (Ref.# 3.1.2A of KJ & RR)? Rare as a Crisp Uncirculated Condition Bundle.