Item 573 out of 629
Lot # 573 - Hundred Rupees Bank Note of King George VI of Calcutta of 1945.
Hundred Rupees Bank Note of King George VI of Calcutta of 1945.
Hundred Rupees Bank Note of King George VI of Calcutta of 1945. Hundred Rupees Bank Note of King George VI of Calcutta of 1945.
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  • P-Auction # 2
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:667
Start Price 15000 Estimated Price 30000-35000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupees 1001945
Full Description:

KGVI. 100 Rupees. 1945. Military Administration of Burma Ovpt on Calcutta Circle Notes. Small holes on the folds. (Ref.# KJ & RR 5.12.2)