Item 1034 out of 1143
Lot # 1034 - Silver Medal of King George V of Royal Mint of British India of 1911
Silver Medal of King George V of Royal Mint of British India of 1911
Silver Medal of King George V of Royal Mint of British India of 1911 Silver Medal of King George V of Royal Mint of British India of 1911
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  • P-Auction # 20
  •  Bids: 4
  •  Views:1002
Start Price 3000 Estimated Price 3000-4000
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Quick Description
MintRoyal MintMetalSilver
Year (AH/VS/SE/AM)1911
Full Description:

King George V, Royal Mint, Silver, Coronation Medallion, 1911 AD,  Obv: bust of George V with GEORGE V CROWNED JUNE 22 1911 legend. Rev: bust of Elizabeth with QVEEN MARY JUNE 22 1911 legend, 12.27g, 30.60mm, extremely fine +, Scarce.