Item 54 out of 1143
Lot # 54 - INDIA Victory Trump card evelope with large V signed by Stephen Smith
INDIA Victory Trump card evelope with large V signed by Stephen Smith
INDIA Victory Trump card evelope with large V signed by Stephen Smith INDIA Victory Trump card evelope with large V signed by Stephen Smith
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  • P-Auction # 20
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:657
Start Price 9000 Estimated Price 9000-11000
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Quick Description
MetalStampsYear (AH/VS/SE/AM)1941
Full Description:

KGVI, 1a3p Stamp of KGV, Victory Trump Card, with large V, Produced by "Indian Airmail Society", signed by "Stephen Smith" on back, 7th Sept 1941 and with delay mark on back 8th Sept. Excellent Condition.