Item 39 out of 763
Lot # 39 - Copper Coin of Kasarwada Hoard of Ujjaini Region.
Copper Coin of Kasarwada Hoard of Ujjaini Region.
Copper Coin of Kasarwada Hoard of Ujjaini Region. Copper Coin of Kasarwada Hoard of Ujjaini Region.
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  • P-Auction # 21
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  •  Views:406
Start Price 1500 Estimated Price 1500-2000
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Ujjaini Region, Copper Unit, Karaswada Hoard Type, Obv: horse to right with ujjaini symbol above other symbol tree railing, armed wheel, river with fishes in field, Rev: ujjaini symboi, 5.39g, 16.28 x 14.35mm, about very fine.