Item 53 out of 763
Lot # 53 - Copper Tetra Drachma Coin of Kushan Dynasty of Vima Kadphises.
Copper Tetra Drachma Coin of Kushan Dynasty of Vima Kadphises.
Copper Tetra Drachma Coin of Kushan Dynasty of Vima Kadphises. Copper Tetra Drachma Coin of Kushan Dynasty of Vima Kadphises.
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  • P-Auction # 21
  •  Bids: 2
  •  Views:502
Start Price 800 Estimated Price 800-1000
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Kushan Dynasty, Vima Kadphises (105-130 AD), Copper Tetra Drachma, Kashmir issue, Obv: king standing facing head left, sacrificing over altar with legend around, Rev: lord shiva standing facing, holding trident and diadem in front of nandi (bull), with kharoshthi legend maharaja majadhiraja sarvaloga isvarasa mahesvarasa, (Mitch # 3040). 16.36g, 25.41mm, about fine.