Item 751 out of 763
Lot # 752 - One Hundred Rupees Bank Note of King George VI signed by C.D. Deshmukh.
One Hundred Rupees Bank Note of  King George VI signed by C.D. Deshmukh.
One Hundred Rupees Bank Note of  King George VI signed by C.D. Deshmukh. One Hundred Rupees Bank Note of  King George VI signed by C.D. Deshmukh.
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  • P-Auction # 21
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:732
Start Price 13000 Estimated Price 13000-15000
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Quick Description
MintCalcuttaMetalBank Notes
Full Description:

King George VI, 100 Rupees, Calcutta, C.D. Deshmukh, B Prefix, S.No. B18 751215, (KJ & RR # 4.7.2B), single folded, stained, tiny pin hole, overall choice extremely fine.