Item 90 out of 836
Lot # 90 - Copper Kasu Coin of Kulottunga I of Chola Empire.
Copper Kasu Coin of Kulottunga I of Chola Empire.
Copper Kasu Coin of Kulottunga I of Chola Empire. Copper Kasu Coin of Kulottunga I of Chola Empire.
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  • P-Auction # 22
  •  Bids: 4
  •  Views:671
Start Price 3000 Estimated Price 3000-3500
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Quick Description
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Chola Empire, Kulottunga I, Copper Kasu, Obv: king half seated, with raised arm on right, tamil legend beneath raised arm "Ku", Rev: standing man, with lamp on left and group of pellets on right, 2.64g, 17.45mm, (Mitch.T&K # 345), about very fine.

 These coins bear the standard designs of Raja Raja kasu, but are inscribed with a Tamil 'Ku' in place of the Devanagari 'Sri Raja Raja'.