Item 260 out of 1313
Lot # 260 - Silver One Rupee Coin of Rafi ud Darjat of Kora Mint.
Silver One Rupee Coin of Rafi ud Darjat of Kora Mint.
Silver One Rupee Coin of Rafi ud Darjat of Kora Mint. Silver One Rupee Coin of Rafi ud Darjat of Kora Mint.
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  • P-Auction # 23
  •  Bids: 16
  •  Views:674
Start Price 10000 Estimated Price 10000-12000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MintKora
MetalSilverYear (AH/VS/SE/AM)AH 1131
RY (Ruling Year)Ahad
Full Description:

Rafi-ud-Darjat, Kora Mint, Silver Rupee, AH 1131/Ahad RY, Obv: “ba hazaran barkat” couplet, sikka-e-zad bahind, bahazaraan barkaat shahen shahe bahre-o-bar rafiuddarjaat, Rev: sana julus, zarb kora visible at bottom, 11.4g, 22.62mm, (KM # 405.12), choice very fine with dotted and floral motifs on both sides, Rare.