Item 285 out of 1313
Lot # 285 - Sliver One Rupee Coin of Gaurinatha Smiha of Assam Kingdom.
Sliver One Rupee Coin of Gaurinatha Smiha of Assam Kingdom.
Sliver One Rupee Coin of Gaurinatha Smiha of Assam Kingdom. Sliver One Rupee Coin of Gaurinatha Smiha of Assam Kingdom.
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  • P-Auction # 23
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:392
Start Price 2500 Estimated Price 2500-3000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MetalSilver
Year (AH/VS/SE/AM)SE 1708
Full Description:

Assam, Gaurinatha Smiha, Sliver Rupee, SE 1708, Obv: assamese legend "sri sri hara / gauri charana ka / mala makaranda / madhukarasya', Rev:  assamese legend "sri srimat sva / rga / deva sri gau / rinathasya / saka 1708", 11.30g 22.55mm, (Rhodes & Bose # R 40.2), choice extremely fine..