Item 646 out of 1313
Lot # 646 - Copper Square Coin of Bhumaka of Westren Kshatrapas.
Copper Square Coin of Bhumaka of Westren Kshatrapas.
Copper Square Coin of Bhumaka of Westren Kshatrapas. Copper Square Coin of Bhumaka of Westren Kshatrapas.
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  • P-Auction # 23
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  •  Views:432
Start Price 1500 Estimated Price 1500-2000
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Unit MetalCopper
Full Description:

Western Kshatrapas, Kardamaka Family, Bhumaka, Copper Sqaure Unit, Obv: arrow left, thunderbolt right, kharoshthi legend around around "ksaharatasa ksatrapasa bhumakasa", Rev: lion on pillar left and  wheel on pillar right, brahmi legend around "ksaharatasa ksatrapasa bhumakasa", 3.41g,15.59x 14.41mm, about very fine.