Item 648 out of 1313
Lot # 648 - Copper Coin of Rudrasimha I of Western Kshatrapas of Bull type.
Copper Coin of Rudrasimha I of Western Kshatrapas of Bull type.
Copper Coin of Rudrasimha I of Western Kshatrapas of Bull type. Copper Coin of Rudrasimha I of Western Kshatrapas of Bull type.
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  • P-Auction # 23
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Start Price 3000 Estimated Price 3000-3500
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Unit MetalCopper
Full Description:

Western Kshatrapas, Kardamaka Family, Rudrasimha I (191-197 AD), Copper Unit, Bull type, Obv: a bull standing right, corrupt greek inscriptions and date in brahmi numerals, Rev: three arched hill topped with a cresent, cresent left, sun right, wavy line(river) below, brahmi legend around "rajno maha ksatrapasa rudrasihasa", 2.58g, 14.42mm, about very fine.