Item 19 out of 569
Lot # 19 - Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty.
Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty.
Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty. Silver Drachma Coin of Amoghbuti of Kuninda Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 24
  •  Bids: 4
  •  Views:932
Start Price 7000 Estimated Price 7000-8000
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Kuninda Dynasty, Amoghbuti (200 BC),Silver Drachma, Obv: a deer standing to right with square-shaped vase above its back, a naga (Two Cobras) symbol between its horns, 11 dotted sun (11 dots sun) behind the deer, goddess Lakshmi standing facing right holding 6 petal lotus flower in upraised right hand, Brahmi legend around "Rajnah Kunimdasya Amoghbutisya Maharajasya", (Great King Amoghbuti, of the Kunindas), Rev: centrally placed six -arched hill with nandipada on top, swastika above, an indra-dhvaja and tree in railing on right, wavy river line below, circular Kharoshthi legend "Rana Kunindasa Amoghbutisa Maharajasa", (Great King Amogh, of the Kunindas), 2.3g, 16.73mm, (ONS 218 # Type I, Class-4), about extremely fine, Rare.