Item 58 out of 569
Lot # 58 - Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Pushybhuti Dynasty of Post Guptas.
Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Pushybhuti Dynasty of Post Guptas.
Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Pushybhuti Dynasty of Post Guptas. Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Pushybhuti Dynasty of Post Guptas.
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  • P-Auction # 24
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Start Price 15000 Estimated Price 15000-17000
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Post-Guptas, Pushyabhuti Dynasty, Harshavardhana (Siladitya) (606-647 AD), Silver Drachma, Obv: head of king to left in maukhari style with crescent above, Brahmi letters 'Si la' at left, Rev: fan-tailed peacock facing left, Brahmi legend around "Vijitavanir ava(napati Sri Siladitya divam) jayati", 2.4g, 14.25mm, about very fine, Very Rare.

This coin is of the famous King Harshavardhana, who ascended the throne of Thaneswar (Haryana), he belonged to Pushyabhuti Dynasty. His coins follow the Madhyadesa type of the Guptas, with the fan-tailed peacock reverse and the same legend terminology. Harsha's royal name Siladitya is seen on his coinage. 

A spectacular specimen of this scarce ruler, with his name Sila clearly visible in front of his bust.