Item 86 out of 569
Lot # 86 - Gold Gadyana Coin of Ramachandra of Yadavas of Devagiri.
Gold Gadyana Coin of Ramachandra of Yadavas of Devagiri.
Gold Gadyana Coin of Ramachandra of Yadavas of Devagiri. Gold Gadyana Coin of Ramachandra of Yadavas of Devagiri.
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  • P-Auction # 24
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Start Price 30000 Estimated Price 30000-35000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Yadavas of Devagiri, Ramachandra (12-13 Century AD), Gold Gadyana, Light weight (3/4 Tanka?), Punch-marked type, Obv: five punches of a indistinct figure (warrior running to right) in centre, Devanagari legend "Shri Rama" two punches with 'Shri' and one punch each of a shankha and chakra, Rev: uniface, 2.9g, 13.96mm, (Unlisted type), about very fine, Very Rare.

This is a different variety from the normal issues of 'Padma-Tanka' type gold Gadyanas of Ramachandra , possibly struck at a mint located in the southern part of the kingdom.