Item 16 out of 251
Lot # 16 - Extremely Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Vima Kadphises of Kushan Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Vima Kadphises of Kushan Dynasty.
Extremely Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Vima Kadphises of Kushan Dynasty. Extremely Rare Gold Dinar Coin of Vima Kadphises of Kushan Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 25
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:1167
Start Price 150000 Estimated Price 150000-200000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Dinara MetalGold
Full Description:

Kushan Dynasty, Vima Kadphises (95-127 AD), Gold Dinar, Obv: diademed, domed crown, half-length bust on clouds facing left, holding mace-scepter and sword hilt, tamgha in the right field, Greek legend around “BACIΛEVCOOH... MO KAΔΦICHC” (King Vima Kadphises), Rev: ithyphallic lord Shiva standing facing head left, holding composite trident with axe in right hand and Kamandalu in left hand, Deer skin draped over left arm, tamgha to left, Nandipada symbol (Buddhist triratna/Three jewels) to right, Kharoshthi legend around “Maharajasa Rajadirajasa sarvaloga isvarasa mahisvarasa Vima Kathphishasa tratara”, 7.9g, 20.06mm, (Gobl # 19/ Shrava # 34/Jongward & Cribb # 267), about extremely fine, Extremely Rare.