Item 31 out of 251
Lot # 31 - Gold Dinar Coin of Kumaragupta III of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type.
Gold Dinar Coin of Kumaragupta III of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type.
Gold Dinar Coin of Kumaragupta III of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type. Gold Dinar Coin of Kumaragupta III of Gupta Dynasty of Archer type.
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  • P-Auction # 25
  •  Bids: 9
  •  Views:977
Start Price 125000 Estimated Price 125000-150000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Dinara MetalGold
Full Description:

Gupta Dynasty, Kumaragupta III (530-540 AD), Gold Dinar, “Archer” type, Obv: King, nimbate, standing facing left, wearing long sash and necklace, the king holds a long bow in his left hand and arrow in his right with garuda standard at left, the Brahmi legend “Ku” is below the king’s arm surmounted by crescent, letter “Ta” between legs, and legend “Rajadhiraja Sri Kumaragupta (Kramadityah)” at the right field in small characters, Rev: goddess Lakshmi seated on a lotus in padmasana facing front, holding diadem in her right hand while the left is resting on her thigh, a lotus whose stem rises from under her left arm is seen adjacent to the goddess’s face, tamgha to left, blurred Brahmi legend “Sri Kramajita” at the right field, 9.5g, 20.31mm, (TOTGE, S. Kumar # Var. A/Unlisted in Altekar & BMC), about very fine, Very Rare.

Kumaragupta III was notably the last ruler of the Gupta Empire, he succeeded his father Narashimhagupta. There are certain proofs regarding the existence of Kumaragupta III, silver - copper seal found in 1889 from Bhitari mentions the names of his father Narasimhagupta and grandfather Purugupta. At his time of ascending the Gupta Empire throne, the power had shrunk to their original base in Magadha. It is evident to notice the downfall of the imperial power by the coinage as the gold used to strike the coins was not of high purity and not much varieties are known of this ruler.

Coins of this ruler are extremely rare and missing from many collections.