Item 50 out of 251
Lot # 50 - Extremely Rare Gold Tanka Coin of Ala ud din Husain Shah of Bengal Sultanate.
Extremely Rare Gold Tanka Coin of Ala ud din Husain Shah of Bengal Sultanate.
Extremely Rare Gold Tanka Coin of Ala ud din Husain Shah of Bengal Sultanate. Extremely Rare Gold Tanka Coin of Ala ud din Husain Shah of Bengal Sultanate. Extremely Rare Gold Tanka Coin of Ala ud din Husain Shah of Bengal Sultanate.
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  • P-Auction # 25
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:385
Start Price 300000 Estimated Price 300000-400000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Tanka MintDar al - Darb
Full Description:

Bengal Sultanate, Ala-ud-din Husain (AH 899-925/1493-1519 AD), Dar-ul-Darb Mint, Gold Tanka, Obv: al-sultan al-adil ‘ala’ ud-dunya wa’l din abu’l muzaffar, Rev: husain shah al-sultan bin sayyid ashraf al-husaini khuld mulkahu, 10.59g, 20.13mm, (Unlisted in G&G), choice very fine+, Extremely Rare.

"Dar of Dar-ul-Darb" is clearly visible at the bottom on the reverse side. G&G does not record any gold example for the type in this mint. It is die identical to the silver half tanka die listed at G&G B763. It is possible that the same dies were used for this as well.