Item 562 out of 604
Lot # 562 - Silver Ramtanka Temple Token.
Silver Ramtanka Temple Token.
Silver Ramtanka Temple Token. Silver Ramtanka Temple Token.
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  • P-Auction # 26
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:1194
Start Price 3000 Estimated Price 3000-3500
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Token, Ram Darbar Token, Main Series- Calcutta (mid 19  Century AD), Ramtanka, Silver Token, Obv: Durbar scene, Rama and Sita seated on durbar platform, attendant standing on left holds parasol above them, Kusha and Lava, the two sons of Rama Sita standing on right, Hanuman sits beneath platform, Rev: Rama standing on left holding trident and Lakshmana standing on right, holding bow, three Devanagari characters on plaque beneath, 12.08g, 28.33mm, (Mitch. Indian Tokens # 345), about extremely fine.