Item 600 out of 604
Lot # 600 - Byzantine Coins The World of Numismatics Series With 400 photographs.
Byzantine Coins The World of Numismatics Series With 400 photographs.
Byzantine Coins The World of Numismatics Series With 400 photographs. Byzantine Coins The World of Numismatics Series With 400 photographs.
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  • P-Auction # 26
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Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Quick Description
Author / Editor -1BookAuthor / Editor -3P D Whitting
PublisherBarrie & JISBN10214 65345 5
Full Description:

Books, Byzantine Coins, First Edition, The World of Numismatics Series -1973, 311 pages, Author: Dr. P.D. Whitting, Published by Barrie & Jenkins Ltd., The book covers Byzantine Empire, The most in-depth and the foremost book of its kind on the Byzantine Empire coins, Occasionally in color blue hard bound with flap  illustrated with 400 photographs, 20 of which are in color, very Good.