Item 319 out of 440
Lot # 319 - Silver One Rupee Counter strike Coin of Victoria Queen of 1840.
Silver One Rupee Counter strike Coin of Victoria Queen of 1840.
Silver One Rupee Counter strike Coin of Victoria Queen of 1840. Silver One Rupee Counter strike Coin of Victoria Queen of 1840.
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  • P-Auction # 27
  •  Bids: 5
  •  Views:947
Start Price 17000 Estimated Price 17000-20000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 01MetalSilver
Full Description:

1840, Victoria Queen, Silver Rupee, Counter Strike as " fi Ras Bab al Mandab" in Arabic legend with crescent and star,  (Wolrd of Islam, Mitch. # 1491), about very fine, Extremely Rare.