Item 42 out of 506
Lot # 42 - Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Post Guptas.
Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Post Guptas.
Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Post Guptas. Silver Drachma Coin of Harshavardhana of Post Guptas.
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  • P-Auction # 31
  •  Bids: 15
  •  Views:669
Start Price 6000 Estimated Price 6000-7000
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Post-Guptas, Pushyabhuti Dynasty, Harshavardhana (Siladitya) (AD 606-647), Silver Drachma, Obv: side profile of the king facing left in Maukhari style with a simple crescent above, Rev: a fan-tailed peacock in the center facing left, Brahmi legend "Vijita(vanir avanapati ri sila)ditya divam jayati" around the field2.14g, 12.92mm, (Mitch. ACW # 4934-4935/W. Pieper # 928), about very fine, Rare.

Note: This coin was issued by the famous Pushyabhuti king Harshavardhana who ascended the throne of Thaneswar in modern-day Haryana in the 7th century C.E. His coinage follows the Madhyadesa type of the Guptas, as illustrated in this example with the fan-tailed peacock on the reverse and legends similar to the older coinage.