Item 59 out of 506
Lot # 59 - Gold Token of Kadambas of Hangal in the name of Nakareshwara.
Gold Token of Kadambas of Hangal in the name of Nakareshwara.
Gold Token of Kadambas of Hangal in the name of Nakareshwara. Gold Token of Kadambas of Hangal in the name of Nakareshwara.
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  • P-Auction # 31
  •  Bids: 3
  •  Views:1022
Start Price 40000 Estimated Price 40000-45000
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Token, Kadambas of Hangal (11 Century AD), in the name of Nakareshwara, Gold Token, Obv: lord Hanuman seated in the veerasana posture, holding a hand up in offensive gesture, an Ankush below, Kannada legend “Nakara” in the exergue, Rev: an elaborate floral scroll and several decorative motifs within a rayed lotus border, 4.0g, 19.45mm, previously mounted in jewelry, about extremely fine, Very Rare.