Item 73 out of 506
Lot # 73 - Copper Jital Coin of Koneri Rayan of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
Copper Jital Coin of Koneri Rayan of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
Copper Jital Coin of Koneri Rayan of Vijayanagara Feudatory. Copper Jital Coin of Koneri Rayan of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
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  • P-Auction # 31
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:421
Start Price 2000 Estimated Price 2000-3000
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Vijayanagar Feudatory, Koneri Rayan Issue (17 Century AD), Copper Jital, Obv: a humped bull standing facing left, a dagger in front, crescent above, linear and dotted border around the field, Rev: Tamil legend "ko/neri/rayan" in three lines, linear and dotted border around the field, 3.03g, 13.84mm, (Mitch. T&K # 363-365/K. Ganesh # 13.1), about extremely fine, Scarce.