Item 509 out of 771
Lot # 509 - Silver War Badge of World War I.
Silver War Badge of World War I.
Silver War Badge of World War I. Silver War Badge of World War I.
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  • P-Auction # 33
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:794
Start Price 6000 Estimated Price 6000-7000
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Badge, World War I, Silver War (Wound) Badge, Obv: the crown and royal cipher "GRI" (for Georgius Rex Imperator, George, King and Emperor) and English legend "FOR KING AND EMPIRE - SERVICES RENDERED" around the rim, Rev: badge with a unique number and pin to wear, 8.96g, 32.79mm, (Chapras, P. Thakkar # C1.40), choice very fine, Rare.                                                                                                            

Note: The Silver War Badge was issued in the United Kingdom and the British Empire to service personnel who had been honourably discharged due to wounds or sickness from military service in World War I. The badge, sometimes known as the "Discharge Badge", the "Wound Badge" or "Services Rendered Badge", was first issued in September 1916, along with an official certificate of entitlement.