Item 597 out of 771
Lot # 597 - One Rupee Fancy No 999999 and 1000000 Banknotes Signed by I G Patel.
One Rupee Fancy No 999999 and 1000000 Banknotes Signed by I G Patel.
One Rupee Fancy No 999999 and 1000000 Banknotes Signed by I G Patel. One Rupee Fancy No 999999 and 1000000 Banknotes Signed by I G Patel.
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  • P-Auction # 33
  •  Bids: 18
  •  Views:401
Start Price 15000 Estimated Price 15000-20000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 1GovernorI. G. Patel
Full Description:

Republic India, 1971, 1 Rupee, 999999 and 1000000, Consecutive Pair, Signed by I. G. Patel, B Prefix, D Inset, S. No. B35 999999 and B35 1000000, pin holes, crisp, U fold, otherwise AUNC, Extremely Rare.

Note: This is a consecutive pair of the last 2 banknotes of a series with the same prefix making it a sequence that is hard to obtain. We have not offered this in the past. This pair has maintained its original colour and toning.