Item 106 out of 612
Lot # 106 - Copper Kasu Coins of Samarakolakalan of Banas of Madurai.
Copper Kasu Coins of Samarakolakalan of Banas of Madurai.
Copper Kasu Coins of Samarakolakalan of Banas of Madurai. Copper Kasu Coins of Samarakolakalan of Banas of Madurai.
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  • P-Auction # 34
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:520
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Kasu
Full Description:

Banas of Madurai (14-15 Century CE), Copper Kasu (2), Rare.

a.  Copper Kasu, Obv: a stylized Garuda running to the right, holding a serpent in the right hand, flanked by a conch and a discus, a linear border surrounded by dots around the field, Rev: the Tamil legend "Sama ra/ko la/ka la n" in three lines, a dotted border around the field, 3.25g, 14.44mm(Mitch. T&K # 568), about extremely fine.

b.  Copper Kasu, Obv: a stylized Garuda running to left, holding a serpent in the left hand, flanked by a conch and a discus, a dotted border around the field, Rev: the Tamil legend "Sama ra/ko la/ka la n" in three lines, a dotted border around the field, 3.26g, 17.58mm, (Mitch. T&K # 571), choice very fine.