Item 424 out of 612
Lot # 424 - Triangle shaped Silver Ramatanka Token.
Triangle shaped Silver Ramatanka Token.
Triangle shaped Silver Ramatanka Token. Triangle shaped Silver Ramatanka Token.
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  • P-Auction # 34
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:450
Start Price 25000 Estimated Price 25000-30000
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Quick Description
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Ram Darbar Token, Triangle shaped Silver Ramatanka, Obv: durbar scene, Ram and Sita seated facing on a throne, below, Hanuman touching Rama’s right foot, attendants on either sides behind them holding an umbrella and fly-whisk, Rev: Hanuman flying carrying Sanjivani mountain in left hand and Gadha in the other, Hanuman is moving is indicated by smallness of trees besides his legs, 11.01g, 33.26x28.9mm, (Unlisted in Mitchiner), linear and dotted border around the field on both sides, about very fine, Extremely Rare.