Item 76 out of 612
Lot # 76 - Silver Dramma Coin of Gunatunga of Rashtrakutas.
Silver Dramma Coin of Gunatunga of Rashtrakutas.
Silver Dramma Coin of Gunatunga of Rashtrakutas. Silver Dramma Coin of Gunatunga of Rashtrakutas.
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  • P-Auction # 34
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:441
Start Price 10000 Estimated Price 10000-12000
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Quick Description
DenominationSilver DrachmaMetalSilver
Full Description:

Rashtrakutas, Gunatunga (8 Century CE), Silver Dramma, Obv: an upright boar facing the left, a crescent with a dot above, a linear border surrounded by dots around the field, Rev: the Brahmi legend “Shri Gunatunga..." in two lines, a dotted border around the field, 0.47g, 8.89mm, (Rashtrakutas, GBP # S4.1.2), choice extremely fine, Very Rare