Item 117 out of 875
Lot # 117 - A Rare Gold Quarter Fanam Coin of Western Ganga Dynasty with ornamental Floral Scrolls in Very fine Condition.
 A Rare Gold Quarter Fanam Coin of Western Ganga Dynasty with ornamental Floral Scrolls in Very fine Condition.
 A Rare Gold Quarter Fanam Coin of Western Ganga Dynasty with ornamental Floral Scrolls in Very fine Condition.  A Rare Gold Quarter Fanam Coin of Western Ganga Dynasty with ornamental Floral Scrolls in Very fine Condition.
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  • P-Auction # 35
  •  Views:199
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Western Ganga Dynasty (10-11 Century CE), Gold 1/4 Fanam, Obv: a caparisoned elephant standing to the right, Rev: an ornamental floral scroll0.06g, 3.61mm, (Mitch. K&A # 197), choice very fine, Rare.