Item 133 out of 875
Lot # 133 - A Rare Gold Varaha Coin of Hari Hara I of Vijayanagara Empire of Sangama Dynasty.
A Rare Gold Varaha Coin of Hari Hara I of Vijayanagara Empire of Sangama Dynasty.
A Rare Gold Varaha Coin of Hari Hara I of Vijayanagara Empire of Sangama Dynasty. A Rare Gold Varaha Coin of Hari Hara I of Vijayanagara Empire of Sangama Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 35
  •  Views:217
Start Price 30000 Estimated Price 30000-35000
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Quick Description
DenominationGold Varaha MetalGold
Full Description:

Vijayanagara Empire, Sangama Dynasty, Hari Hara I (1336-1354 CE), Gold Varaha, Obv: a warrior walking to the right, knees slightly bent, left hand resting on left knee and right hand raised up as in the act of striking, dagger in the rear, a characteristic feature is a fold of clothing that hangs down in a 'V' shape between the legs, Rev: Kannada legend "Shri Vi/ra ha ri/ha ra” in three lines with interlinear rules3.35g, 11.51mm, (Mitch. K&A # 378/JONS by G S Prabhu 230 # Pg. No. 14), about very fine, Very Rare.