Item 45 out of 875
Lot # 45 - Unpublished Damru shaped Cast Copper Coin of Kaushambi Region with Swastika and Nandipada Symbols.
 Unpublished Damru shaped Cast Copper Coin of Kaushambi Region with Swastika and Nandipada Symbols.
 Unpublished Damru shaped Cast Copper Coin of Kaushambi Region with Swastika and Nandipada Symbols.  Unpublished Damru shaped Cast Copper Coin of Kaushambi Region with Swastika and Nandipada Symbols.
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  • P-Auction # 35
  •  Views:228
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Unit MetalCopper
Full Description:

Kaushambi Region (200 BC), Cast Copper Unit, Damaru-Shaped, Obv: a bull walking to the right, a three-arched hill and taurine, Rev: a railed tree, a Swastika and a Nandipada above, 0.65g, 11.60mm, (Unpublished), choice very fine, Very Rare.