Item 717 out of 875
Lot # 717 - Rare & High grade One Rupee 3 Banknotes of King George VI Signed by C E Jones of 1947 of Burma Issue graded by PMG as 63 Choice Uncirculated.
 Rare & High grade One Rupee 3  Banknotes of King George VI Signed by C E Jones of 1947 of Burma Issue graded by PMG as 63 Choice Uncirculated.
 Rare & High grade One Rupee 3  Banknotes of King George VI Signed by C E Jones of 1947 of Burma Issue graded by PMG as 63 Choice Uncirculated.  Rare & High grade One Rupee 3  Banknotes of King George VI Signed by C E Jones of 1947 of Burma Issue graded by PMG as 63 Choice Uncirculated.
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  • P-Auction # 35
  •  Views:307
Start Price 12000 Estimated Price 12000-15000
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Quick Description
DenominationRupee 1GovernorC. E. Jones
Grade (if Slabbed)63Year1947
Full Description:

British India, 1947, King George VI, 1 Rupee (3), Lot of 3 Notes, Signed by C.E. Jones, Burma Overprint, "BURMA CURRENCY BOARD/LEGAL TENDER IN BURMA ONLY", Serial number in Green, A Inset, K Prefix, S. No. K38 825566, 825572 & 825575, (KJ & RR # 5.13.1), minor Stains, graded by PMG as 63 Choice Uncirculated, Rare in this grade.