Item 87 out of 549
Lot # 87 - Hari Hari II Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire.
Hari Hari II Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire.
Hari Hari II Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire. Hari Hari II Gold Half Varaha Coin of Vijayanagara Empire.
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  • P-Auction # 36
  •  Views:186
Start Price 15000 Estimated Price 15000-18000
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Vijayanagara Empire, Sangama Dynasty, Harihara II (1377-1404 CE), Gold ½ Varaha, Obv: the god Shiva seated in the padmasana posture with his consort Parvati resting on his left thigh, one of his left hands holds a trident and the other is around his consort's waist, one right-hand holds a battle-axe, while the other is in the abhayamudra gesture, the goddess has joined her hands in the anjalimudra gesture, with the sun and moon near Shiva’s head, all within a Prabhavali decoration, Rev: the Nagari legend "Shri Pra/tapa Hari/Hara" in three lines with two interlinear rules, 1.68g, 8.77mm, (Mitch. K&A # 412/Dr. M. Girijapathi # 053), almost complete details, choice extremely fine, Very Rare.