Item 89 out of 549
Lot # 89 - Copper Kasu Coin of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
Copper Kasu Coin of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
Copper Kasu Coin of Vijayanagara Feudatory. Copper Kasu Coin of Vijayanagara Feudatory.
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  • P-Auction # 36
  •  Views:134
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-7000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Vijayanagara Feudatory (14-17 Century CE), Anonymous ruler, Copper Kasu, Obv: a Gandaberunda profile (two-headed eagle), a linear border around the field, Rev: the Nagari legend "Sri Ra ga...." in three lines with interlinear rules, 2.40g, 12.02mm, (Unlisted), choice extremely fine, Very Scarce.