Item 17 out of 479
Lot # 17 - Copper Coin of Angarajyut of Kaushambi Region.
Copper Coin of Angarajyut of Kaushambi Region.
Copper Coin of Angarajyut of Kaushambi Region. Copper Coin of Angarajyut of Kaushambi Region. Copper Coin of Angarajyut of Kaushambi Region.
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  • P-Auction # 37
  •  Views:273
Start Price 5000 Estimated Price 5000-6000
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Unit MetalCopper
Full Description:

Kaushambi Region, Angarajyut (BC 100-1 CE), Copper Unit, Obv: a bull moving to left, an Indradhvaja in front, Rev: Brahmi legend "Agarajusa" on top, a taurine and an Ujjaini symbol in the left field, a railed tree on the right field, 4.86g, 17.73mm, (W. Pieper # 983), about very fine, Rare.