Item 381 out of 479
Lot # 381 - Silver Medal of King Edward VII of Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct.
Silver Medal of King Edward VII of Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct.
Silver Medal of King Edward VII of Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct. Silver Medal of King Edward VII of Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct.
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  • P-Auction # 37
  •  Views:157
Start Price 10000 Estimated Price 10000-15000
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Medal, King Edward VII, Indian Army Long Service and Good Conduct, Silver Medal, 1888, Awarded to “Sowar Sher Khan, 15th Lancer”, Obv: King Edward VII bare headed bust in field marshal's uniform facing left, legend around "EDWARDVS VII KAISERKAISAR-I-HIND", Rev: a central wreath enclosing the word 'INDIA' surrounded by the legend "FOR LONG SERVICE AND GOOD CONDUCT" with a continuous border of lotus, flowers and leaves round the circumference, engraved on the edge "550 Sowar Sher Khan 15th Lancer", along with a bar and maroon color stripe, 38.5g, 36.9mm, (MYB. 2007 # 244), about extremely fine, Very Rare.