Item 57 out of 479
Lot # 57 - Rare Copper Kasu Coin of Hoysala Dynasty
Rare Copper Kasu Coin of Hoysala Dynasty
Rare Copper Kasu Coin of Hoysala Dynasty Rare Copper Kasu Coin of Hoysala Dynasty
This Lot is closed.
  • P-Auction # 37
  •  Views:223
Start Price 6000 Estimated Price 6000-7000
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Quick Description
DenominationCopper Kasu MetalCopper
Full Description:

Hoysala Dynasty (10-13 Century CE), Copper Kasu, Large flan, Obv: a Swan/Peacock standing, facing to the right, a dotted border around the field, Rev:  an Ankusha flanked by sun and moon, all within an ornamented archway, 3.81g, 17.58mm, (Unlisted), about very fine, Rare.