Item 104 out of 205
Lot # 104 - Rare Multicoloured cover of Burma of Japan Surrender Day 15th Aug 1945 , KGVI 5 Stamps tied.
Rare Multicoloured cover of Burma of Japan Surrender Day 15th Aug 1945 , KGVI 5 Stamps tied.
Rare Multicoloured cover of Burma of Japan Surrender Day 15th Aug 1945 , KGVI 5 Stamps tied. Rare Multicoloured cover of Burma of Japan Surrender Day 15th Aug 1945 , KGVI 5 Stamps tied.
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  • P-Auction # 39
  •  Views:173
Start Price 6000 Estimated Price 6000-8000
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Quick Description
Year (AD)1945
Full Description:

Burma, 1945, Surrender Cover, Multicoloured cover, Experimental Post Office Cancellation, Five Burma stamps are tied, all are Military Administration overprinted. Souvenir cover on “DAY OF SURRENDER 15th AUGUST 1945”. Multicolour image that displays the Surrender of Japan to the USA, UK & China. Cancellation seal in a round circle “BURMA | 15 AUG 45 | EXPTL. P.O. No. 36”, Exhibit Cover, excellent condition, Rare.