Item 110 out of 205
Lot # 110 - Extremely Rare BURMA ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE Registered cover with tied up 3 stamps in 1931.
Extremely Rare BURMA ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE Registered cover with tied up 3 stamps in 1931.
Extremely Rare BURMA ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE Registered cover with tied up 3 stamps in 1931. Extremely Rare BURMA ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE Registered cover with tied up 3 stamps in 1931.
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  • P-Auction # 39
  •  Views:175
Start Price 30000 Estimated Price 30000-35000
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Quick Description
Year (AD)1931
Full Description:

Round Table Conference, Registered Cover, 1931, England, 3 Stamps tied valued of 4 ½ Pence of King George V. Registered label “R No. 51, LONDON, S.W. 227” of white color tied on front, cancellation seal “BURMA ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE | 2 DE 31 | S.W.I.”, (the 2nd Round Table Conference was also attended by Mahatma Gandhi), addressed to Bristol - England, excellent condition, Extremely Rare.

Note: First Round Table Conference on India was held at the end of 1930 in London, the British Government decided to hold a Round Table Conference on Burma in November 1931. The main item for discussion was the political separation of Burma from India and its potential dominion status.

On 29 September 1931, the Government announced the 20 Burmese delegates who would be attending the Conference. They included representatives from different political parties and minority groups, but no women.

After the announcement various British women’s organizations, such as the Women’s Freedom League and the Six Point Group, sent letters to the Secretary of State, Sir Samuel Hoare, hoping it was not too late to include one or more women. In particular, the name of Miss May Oung was put forward because she was conveniently already in London.