Item 138 out of 205
Lot # 138 - Presentations Booklet of King George VI 13V Transport Series 3p to 1Re in excellent condition.
Presentations Booklet of King George VI 13V Transport Series 3p to 1Re in excellent condition.
Presentations Booklet of King George VI 13V Transport Series 3p to 1Re in excellent condition. Presentations Booklet of King George VI 13V Transport Series 3p to 1Re in excellent condition. Presentations Booklet of King George VI 13V Transport Series 3p to 1Re in excellent condition.
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  • P-Auction # 39
  •  Views:275
Start Price 3500 Estimated Price 3500-5000
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Quick Description
Year (AD)1937
Full Description:

Stamps Booklet, King George VI, 1937, transport series 13V Set, 3p to 1 Rupee, Stamps are kept in butter paper jackets, Collector’s pack Booklet, issue value Rs. 3 - As12, made by the department of Post, booklet printed by JOB PRESS, CAWNPORE, both stamps, and booklet are in excellent condition.