Item 201 out of 205
Lot # 201 - Private FDC of Gandhi Centenary Year 1969, cancellation date of 20th Death Anniversary of Gandhi.
Private FDC of Gandhi Centenary Year 1969, cancellation date of 20th Death Anniversary of Gandhi.
Private FDC of Gandhi Centenary Year 1969, cancellation date of 20th Death Anniversary of Gandhi. Private FDC of Gandhi Centenary Year 1969, cancellation date of 20th Death Anniversary of Gandhi.
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  • P-Auction # 39
  •  Views:177
Start Price 7500 Estimated Price 7500-9500
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Gandhi, 1969, Private Cover with Slogan Cancellation, 1½As Stamp of Gandhi 1948 is tied, Cancellation seal of ‘KANPUR (in both Nagari and Latin) | 30 JAN 1969’ applied. Cancelled on the 20th Death Anniversary of Gandhi. Slogan Cancellation ‘SERVICE IS WORSHIP with Gandhi’s face’ in both Nagari and Latin script in two lines within a rectangular box is neatly applied on the stamp. The First Day issue cover of the “NAYE PAISE DEFINITIVE” series which was introduced on date 1-4-1957 is printed, intact condition, Rare.