Lot # 201 - Private FDC of Gandhi Centenary Year 1969, cancellation date of 20th Death Anniversary of Gandhi.
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- P-Auction # 39
- Views:177
Start Price 7500 | Estimated Price 7500-9500 |
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Quick Description | ||||
--NA-- | 1969 | |||
Full Description: Gandhi, 1969, Private Cover with Slogan Cancellation, 1½As Stamp of Gandhi 1948 is tied, Cancellation seal of ‘KANPUR (in both Nagari and Latin) | 30 JAN 1969’ applied. Cancelled on the 20th Death Anniversary of Gandhi. Slogan Cancellation ‘SERVICE IS WORSHIP with Gandhi’s face’ in both Nagari and Latin script in two lines within a rectangular box is neatly applied on the stamp. The First Day issue cover of the “NAYE PAISE DEFINITIVE” series which was introduced on date 1-4-1957 is printed, intact condition, Rare. |
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