Item 574 out of 774
Lot # 574 - Very Rare Silver Two and Half Gulden Coin of Netherlands.
Very Rare Silver Two and Half Gulden Coin of Netherlands.
Very Rare Silver Two and Half Gulden Coin of Netherlands. Very Rare Silver Two and Half Gulden Coin of Netherlands.
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  • P-Auction # 40
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  •  Views:203
Start Price 12000 Estimated Price 12000-15000
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Netherlands, Willem III, Silver 2-½ Gulden, 1867, Obv: the portrait of the king facing right, lettering "WILLEM III KONING DER NED.G.H.V.L." around the field, Rev: a crowned coat of arms dividing the value “2½---G”, the date above and lettering "MUNT VAN HET KONINGRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN" around the field, 24.84g, 38.15mm, (KM # 82), about extremely fine, Very Rare.