Item 302 out of 358
Lot # 303 - Silver Medal of King George VI of Colonial Police Medal and Ribbon of 1938.
Silver Medal of King George VI of Colonial Police  Medal and Ribbon of 1938.
Silver Medal of King George VI of Colonial Police  Medal and Ribbon of 1938. Silver Medal of King George VI of Colonial Police  Medal and Ribbon of 1938.
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  • P-Auction # 6
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  •  Views:741
Start Price 7000 Estimated Price 7000-8000
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Quick Description
Year (AD)1938
Full Description:

10 May 1938, Silver Medal, Colonial Police Medal and Ribbon, With Blue edges with Green and a thin strip, Obv: Effigy of KGVI; Rev: A Policeman's truncheon superimposed on a laurel wreath, the left side of the circumference is inscribed Colonial Police Forces and the right either for Gallantry or For Meritorious service, Awarded to :1149 Const. Nika Singh S/o Bhagwan Singh, Fed. Malaya Police, 35.9gms, 36.37mm, About Very Fine. Rare.