Item 238 out of 334
Lot # 242 - Gold Dinar Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty.
Gold Dinar Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty.
Gold Dinar Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty. Gold Dinar Coin of Huvishka of Kushan Dynasty.
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  • P-Auction # 8
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  •  Views:688
Start Price 80000 Estimated Price 80000-90000
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Kushanas, Huvishka,  Gold Dinar, 7.85gms, 19.14mm, Obv: Bust of King with diademed nimbate head turned to left. Wearing helmet like head dress with ear flaps and an ornamented coat. In right hand scepter like object, in left hand short shafted lance. "Bactrian legend"Rev: Nimbate diademed goddess Ardohso, standing to right, holding  horn of plenty in Left arm. Four pronged Kushana symbol in right field. "Bactrian legend" up the right fieldBeautiful coinExtremely Fine, Very Rare.